Self-directed learning
Self-regulation plays an important role in the learning process. Self-regulated learning includes thoughts, feelings and behaviors that are systematically oriented towards achieving a learner's goals. At any age, people (consciously or unconsciously) regulate their learning processes by setting goals, pursuing strategies, pursuing activities, monitoring themselves and evaluating learning processes.
How do older people regulate the acquisition of everyday activities?
The research project investigates this central question within two different thematic fields. On the one hand, it is to be worked out how older people with different prerequisites control themselves in the acquisition of new movement sequences. On the other hand, it is to be worked out how older people regulate the acquisition of knowledge on the basis of (written) linguistic material. In both thematic fields, it is particularly important to identify environmental conditions in which older people can succeed particularly well in regulating learning processes.
- Oliva y Hausmann A (work in progress): The Role of Self-Regulation in Elderly Peoples' Acquisition of Movement Sequences by Direct Imitation.
- Oliva y Hausmann A (2017): Self-Regulated Learning of Movement Sequences in Advanced Age. Posterpräsentation auf der IAGG 2017, San Francisco [pdf]
Student theses
- Selbstgesteuertes Lernen von sprachlichem Material im Alter. Beeinflusst leichte und schwierige Sprache unser Lernen? (Isabella Neudek, Masterarbeit Rehabilitationswissenschaften)
- Gedächtnisleitung im Alter – eine empirische Studie zum Sequenzerwerb von Personen ab dem mittleren Erwachsenenalter (Friedrike Gloerfeld, Masterarbeit Rehabilitationswissenschaften)
- Aufmerksamkeitslenkung bei Gedächtnisaufgaben. Eine empirische Studie über die Auswirkungen von unterschiedlichen Präsentationsarten auf die Verankerung von Telefonnummern im Gedächtnis bei Menschen ab dem 50. Lebensjahr (Klara Sehrbrock, Masterarbeit Rehabilitationswissenschaften)